Timing information


Datetime: 2020-07-05 05:34 From: /home/awilliamson/ptha_frontiers2020/amy/coarse_grid_runs_n3/_output

============================== Timing Data ============================== Integration Time (stepgrid + BC + overhead) Level Wall Time (seconds) CPU Time (seconds) Total Cell Updates 1 2.426 4.777 0.994E+04 2 6.531 57.098 0.103E+08 3 13.302 155.778 0.464E+08 4 23.538 261.357 0.732E+08 5 29.513 605.636 0.237E+09 total 75.310 1084.645 0.367E+09 All levels: stepgrid 73.559 1054.230 BC/ghost cells 0.847 16.041 Regridding 17.652 171.065 Output (valout) 0.273 1.057 Total time: 94.030 1281.125 Using 30 thread(s) Note: The CPU times are summed over all threads. Total time includes more than the subroutines listed above Note: timings are also recorded for each output step in the file timing.csv. clock_rate = 1000000000 per second, count_max = 9223372036854775807 clock_start = 2053797440641951, clock_finish = 2053891475544996 =========================================================================